chen_zhe @ 2022-05-31 20:42:56
我们诚邀您参与我们的第一场 Codeforces 比赛 Codeforces Round 796(Div. 1、Div. 2),它将于 2022 年 6 月 3 日晚上 22 时 35 分(东八区时间)举行。两个 div 中的选手都将被记录 rating。您有 2 个小时的时间完成 6 个试题。两个 div 之间共享 3 个试题。
在本场比赛中,作为东方 Project 中的角色的最好的朋友,您需要帮助她们解决她们遇到的一些问题。
本场比赛由 @huangzirui、@Elegia、@SSerxhs、@Verdandi、@八云蓝、@Cocoly1990、@Lily_White 准备置办。希望你能愉快地享受这场比赛。
注:参与者列表中,若已知其洛谷对应账户的都用洛谷用户主页链接,否则则使用 CF 的用户主页链接。由于工作量较大若出现失误烦请及时反馈,对您造成的不便敬请谅解。若您不愿意展示自己的洛谷账户也可以反馈。
by GeorgePeng @ 2022-05-31 21:33:55
by 幽云蓝 @ 2022-05-31 21:48:45
这时间真的很不阴间了,总不能第一场就整个 unusual timing 然后挨骂吧,你们要考虑到 cn round 某些方面已经很受诟病了
by bruhify @ 2022-05-31 21:55:31
by irris @ 2022-05-31 22:09:59
Lesson 65 Not a baby
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Ran get the right to get out the Chinese Description of the contest?
MikeMirzayanov: What are you going to do this evening. Ran?
Ran: I'm going to publish a contest.
MikeMirzayanov: You mustn't begin with an unusual time. It must start at half past ten.
Ran: I can't be so late, Mike! Can I have the right to publish it at a Chinese time please?
MikeMirzayanov: No, you can't.
??????: Ran's eighteen years old, Mike.(well, in reality, Ran is in Grade 9) He's not a baby. Give him the right. He always participates the contest honestly.
MikeMirzayanov: Oh, all right! Here you are. But you mustn't get out the Chinese Description of the contest. Do you hear?
Ran: Yes. Dad. Thanks, ???????.
???????: That's all right. Goodbye. Make it easier!
Ran: We always set difficult tasks, ???????. Bye-bye.
by EggShell123 @ 2022-05-31 22:23:45
警惕洛谷公开赛势力入侵 cf
by Missa @ 2022-05-31 22:29:42
When I see Elegia in the setters, I know D1F won't be solvable.
As a writer, I want to know how Elegia's mind works. If you don't know too, please give me contribution :)
by M_WC1S_M0 @ 2022-05-31 22:32:05
by M_WC1S_M0 @ 2022-05-31 22:32:13
by chen_zhe @ 2022-05-31 22:34:05
@FAN_1106 几乎不可能。
by StayAlone @ 2022-05-31 23:05:11