CF1103C Johnny Solving


Today is tuesday, that means there is a dispute in JOHNNY SOLVING team again: they try to understand who is Johnny and who is Solving. That's why guys asked Umnik to help them. Umnik gave guys a connected graph with $ n $ vertices without loops and multiedges, such that a degree of any vertex is at least $ 3 $ , and also he gave a number $ 1 \leq k \leq n $ . Because Johnny is not too smart, he promised to find a simple path with length at least $ \frac{n}{k} $ in the graph. In reply, Solving promised to find $ k $ simple by vertices cycles with representatives, such that: - Length of each cycle is at least $ 3 $ . - Length of each cycle is not divisible by $ 3 $ . - In each cycle must be a representative - vertex, which belongs only to this cycle among all printed cycles. You need to help guys resolve the dispute, for that you need to find a solution for Johnny: a simple path with length at least $ \frac{n}{k} $ ( $ n $ is not necessarily divided by $ k $ ), or solution for Solving: $ k $ cycles that satisfy all the conditions above. If there is no any solution - print $ -1 $ .

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