CF1146F Leaf Partition
You are given a rooted tree with $ n $ nodes, labeled from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . The tree is rooted at node $ 1 $ . The parent of the $ i $ -th node is $ p_i $ . A leaf is node with no children. For a given set of leaves $ L $ , let $ f(L) $ denote the smallest connected subgraph that contains all leaves $ L $ .
You would like to partition the leaves such that for any two different sets $ x, y $ of the partition, $ f(x) $ and $ f(y) $ are disjoint.
Count the number of ways to partition the leaves, modulo $ 998244353 $ . Two ways are different if there are two leaves such that they are in the same set in one way but in different sets in the other.
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In the first example, the leaf nodes are $ 2,3,4,5 $ . The ways to partition the leaves are in the following image 
In the second example, the only leaf is node $ 10 $ so there is only one partition. Note that node $ 1 $ is not a leaf.