CF1208H Red Blue Tree
You are given a tree of $ n $ nodes. The tree is rooted at node $ 1 $ , which is not considered as a leaf regardless of its degree.
Each leaf of the tree has one of the two colors: red or blue. Leaf node $ v $ initially has color $ s_{v} $ .
The color of each of the internal nodes (including the root) is determined as follows.
- Let $ b $ be the number of blue immediate children, and $ r $ be the number of red immediate children of a given vertex.
- Then the color of this vertex is blue if and only if $ b - r \ge k $ , otherwise red.
Integer $ k $ is a parameter that is same for all the nodes.
You need to handle the following types of queries:
- 1 v: print the color of node $ v $ ;
- 2 v c: change the color of leaf $ v $ to $ c $ ( $ c = 0 $ means red, $ c = 1 $ means blue);
- 3 h: update the current value of $ k $ to $ h $ .
Input Format
Output Format
Figures:(i) The initial tree
(ii) The tree after the 3rd query
(iii) The tree after the 7th query