CF1253F Cheap Robot


You're given a simple, undirected, connected, weighted graph with $ n $ nodes and $ m $ edges. Nodes are numbered from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . There are exactly $ k $ centrals (recharge points), which are nodes $ 1, 2, \ldots, k $ . We consider a robot moving into this graph, with a battery of capacity $ c $ , not fixed by the constructor yet. At any time, the battery contains an integer amount $ x $ of energy between $ 0 $ and $ c $ inclusive. Traversing an edge of weight $ w_i $ is possible only if $ x \ge w_i $ , and costs $ w_i $ energy points ( $ x := x - w_i $ ). Moreover, when the robot reaches a central, its battery is entirely recharged ( $ x := c $ ). You're given $ q $ independent missions, the $ i $ -th mission requires to move the robot from central $ a_i $ to central $ b_i $ . For each mission, you should tell the minimum capacity required to acheive it.

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In the first example, the graph is the chain $ 10 - 9 - 2^C - 4 - 1^C - 5 - 7 - 3^C - 8 - 6 $ , where centrals are nodes $ 1 $ , $ 2 $ and $ 3 $ . For the mission $ (2, 3) $ , there is only one simple path possible. Here is a simulation of this mission when the capacity is $ 12 $ . - The robot begins on the node $ 2 $ , with $ c = 12 $ energy points. - The robot uses an edge of weight $ 4 $ . - The robot reaches the node $ 4 $ , with $ 12 - 4 = 8 $ energy points. - The robot uses an edge of weight $ 8 $ . - The robot reaches the node $ 1 $ with $ 8 - 8 = 0 $ energy points. - The robot is on a central, so its battery is recharged. He has now $ c = 12 $ energy points. - The robot uses an edge of weight $ 2 $ . - The robot is on the node $ 5 $ , with $ 12 - 2 = 10 $ energy points. - The robot uses an edge of weight $ 3 $ . - The robot is on the node $ 7 $ , with $ 10 - 3 = 7 $ energy points. - The robot uses an edge of weight $ 2 $ . - The robot is on the node $ 3 $ , with $ 7 - 2 = 5 $ energy points. - The robot is on a central, so its battery is recharged. He has now $ c = 12 $ energy points. - End of the simulation. Note that if value of $ c $ was lower than $ 12 $ , we would have less than $ 8 $ energy points on node $ 4 $ , and we would be unable to use the edge $ 4 \leftrightarrow 1 $ of weight $ 8 $ . Hence $ 12 $ is the minimum capacity required to acheive the mission. — The graph of the second example is described here (centrals are red nodes): ![]( robot can acheive the mission $ (3, 1) $ with a battery of capacity $ c = 38 $ , using the path $ 3 \rightarrow 9 \rightarrow 8 \rightarrow 7 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow 7 \rightarrow 6 \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 1 $ The robot can acheive the mission $ (2, 3) $ with a battery of capacity $ c = 15 $ , using the path $ 2 \rightarrow 7 \rightarrow 8 \rightarrow 9 \rightarrow 3 $