CF126D Fibonacci Sums


Fibonacci numbers have the following form: $ F_{1}=1, $ $ F_{2}=2, $ $ F_{i}=F_{i-1}+F_{i-2},i>2. $ Let's consider some non-empty set $ S={s_{1},s_{2},...,s_{k}} $ , consisting of different Fibonacci numbers. Let's find the sum of values of this set's elements: ![]('s call the set $ S $ a number $ n $ 's decomposition into Fibonacci sum. It's easy to see that several numbers have several decompositions into Fibonacci sum. For example, for $ 13 $ we have $ 13,5+8,2+3+8 $ — three decompositions, and for $ 16 $ : $ 3+13,1+2+13,3+5+8,1+2+5+8 $ — four decompositions. By the given number $ n $ determine the number of its possible different decompositions into Fibonacci sum.

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Two decompositions are different if there exists a number that is contained in the first decomposition, but is not contained in the second one. Decompositions that differ only in the order of summands are considered equal.