CF134C Swaps


There are $ n $ players sitting at a round table. All of them have $ s $ cards of $ n $ colors in total. Besides, initially the first person had cards of only the first color, the second one had cards of only the second color and so on. They can swap the cards by the following rules: - as the players swap, a player can give a card of his color only; - a player can't accept a card of a color he already has (particularly, he can't take cards of his color, no matter whether he has given out all of them or not); - during one swap a pair of people swaps cards (each person gives one card and takes one card). The aim of all $ n $ people is as follows: each of them should give out all the cards he had initially (that is, all cards of his color). Your task is to denote whether such sequence of swaps is possible. If the answer is positive, you should list all the swaps.

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