CF1354E Graph Coloring
You are given an undirected graph without self-loops or multiple edges which consists of $ n $ vertices and $ m $ edges. Also you are given three integers $ n_1 $ , $ n_2 $ and $ n_3 $ .
Can you label each vertex with one of three numbers 1, 2 or 3 in such way, that:
1. Each vertex should be labeled by exactly one number 1, 2 or 3;
2. The total number of vertices with label 1 should be equal to $ n_1 $ ;
3. The total number of vertices with label 2 should be equal to $ n_2 $ ;
4. The total number of vertices with label 3 should be equal to $ n_3 $ ;
5. $ |col_u - col_v| = 1 $ for each edge $ (u, v) $ , where $ col_x $ is the label of vertex $ x $ .
If there are multiple valid labelings, print any of them.
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