Solve The Maze
### 题目描述
给出一个 $n$ 行 $m$ 列的网格,每个格子上有四种情况:
- `.` 表示这个格子是空地。
- `#` 表示这个格子是墙。
- `G` 表示这个格子是好人。
- `B` 表示这个格子是坏人。
你需要判断能否 `.` 格子上放任意数量的墙,保证所有好人可以通过在空地间移动到达点 $(n,m)$ 而所有坏人都不行。
### 输入格式
第一行有一个正整数 $T$,表示有 $T$ 组数据。
每组数据的第一行有两个正整数 $n, m$,表示网格图的行数和列数。
之后 $n$ 行,每行一个长度为 $m$ 的字符串,描述了这张网格图。
保证 $1\le t\le100$,$1\le n, m\le50$。
### 输出格式
每组数据输出一行 `yes` 或 `no`,大小写任意。
Vivek has encountered a problem. He has a maze that can be represented as an $ n \times m $ grid. Each of the grid cells may represent the following:
- Empty — '.'
- Wall — '\#'
- Good person — 'G'
- Bad person — 'B'
The only escape from the maze is at cell $ (n, m) $ .
A person can move to a cell only if it shares a side with their current cell and does not contain a wall. Vivek wants to block some of the empty cells by replacing them with walls in such a way, that all the good people are able to escape, while none of the bad people are able to. A cell that initially contains 'G' or 'B' cannot be blocked and can be travelled through.
Help him determine if there exists a way to replace some (zero or more) empty cells with walls to satisfy the above conditions.
It is guaranteed that the cell $ (n,m) $ is empty. Vivek can also block this cell.
The first line contains one integer $ t $ $ (1 \le t \le 100) $ — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.
The first line of each test case contains two integers $ n $ , $ m $ $ (1 \le n, m \le 50) $ — the number of rows and columns in the maze.
Each of the next $ n $ lines contain $ m $ characters. They describe the layout of the maze. If a character on a line equals '.', the corresponding cell is empty. If it equals '\#', the cell has a wall. 'G' corresponds to a good person and 'B' corresponds to a bad person.
For each test case, print "Yes" if there exists a way to replace some empty cells with walls to satisfy the given conditions. Otherwise print "No"
You may print every letter in any case (upper or lower).
输入样例 #1
1 1
1 2
2 2
2 3
3 3
2 2
输出样例 #1
For the first and second test cases, all conditions are already satisfied.
For the third test case, there is only one empty cell $ (2,2) $ , and if it is replaced with a wall then the good person at $ (1,2) $ will not be able to escape.
For the fourth test case, the good person at $ (1,1) $ cannot escape.
For the fifth test case, Vivek can block the cells $ (2,3) $ and $ (2,2) $ .
For the last test case, Vivek can block the destination cell $ (2, 2) $ .