CF1375E Inversion SwapSort
Madeline has an array $ a $ of $ n $ integers. A pair $ (u, v) $ of integers forms an inversion in $ a $ if:
- $ 1 \le u < v \le n $ .
- $ a_u > a_v $ .
Madeline recently found a magical paper, which allows her to write two indices $ u $ and $ v $ and swap the values $ a_u $ and $ a_v $ . Being bored, she decided to write a list of pairs $ (u_i, v_i) $ with the following conditions:
- all the pairs in the list are distinct and form an inversion in $ a $ .
- all the pairs that form an inversion in $ a $ are in the list.
- Starting from the given array, if you swap the values at indices $ u_1 $ and $ v_1 $ , then the values at indices $ u_2 $ and $ v_2 $ and so on, then after all pairs are processed, the array $ a $ will be sorted in non-decreasing order.
Construct such a list or determine that no such list exists. If there are multiple possible answers, you may find any of them.
Input Format
Output Format
In the first sample test case the array will change in this order $ [3,1,2] \rightarrow [2,1,3] \rightarrow [1,2,3] $ .
In the second sample test case it will be $ [1,8,1,6] \rightarrow [1,6,1,8] \rightarrow [1,1,6,8] $ .
In the third sample test case the array is already sorted.