CF1375H Set Merging
You are given a permutation $ a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n $ of numbers from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . Also, you have $ n $ sets $ S_1,S_2,\dots, S_n $ , where $ S_i=\{a_i\} $ . Lastly, you have a variable $ cnt $ , representing the current number of sets. Initially, $ cnt = n $ .
We define two kinds of functions on sets:
$ f(S)=\min\limits_{u\in S} u $ ;
$ g(S)=\max\limits_{u\in S} u $ .
You can obtain a new set by merging two sets $ A $ and $ B $ , if they satisfy $ g(A)
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In the first sample:
We have $ S_1=\{1\},S_2=\{3\},S_3=\{2\} $ initially.
In the first operation, because $ g(S_3)=2