CF1382B Sequential Nim
There are $ n $ piles of stones, where the $ i $ -th pile has $ a_i $ stones. Two people play a game, where they take alternating turns removing stones.
In a move, a player may remove a positive number of stones from the first non-empty pile (the pile with the minimal index, that has at least one stone). The first player who cannot make a move (because all piles are empty) loses the game. If both players play optimally, determine the winner of the game.
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In the first test case, the first player will win the game. His winning strategy is:
1. The first player should take the stones from the first pile. He will take $ 1 $ stone. The numbers of stones in piles will be $ [1, 5, 4] $ .
2. The second player should take the stones from the first pile. He will take $ 1 $ stone because he can't take any other number of stones. The numbers of stones in piles will be $ [0, 5, 4] $ .
3. The first player should take the stones from the second pile because the first pile is empty. He will take $ 4 $ stones. The numbers of stones in piles will be $ [0, 1, 4] $ .
4. The second player should take the stones from the second pile because the first pile is empty. He will take $ 1 $ stone because he can't take any other number of stones. The numbers of stones in piles will be $ [0, 0, 4] $ .
5. The first player should take the stones from the third pile because the first and second piles are empty. He will take $ 4 $ stones. The numbers of stones in piles will be $ [0, 0, 0] $ .
6. The second player will lose the game because all piles will be empty.