CF1383E Strange Operation
Koa the Koala has a binary string $ s $ of length $ n $ . Koa can perform no more than $ n-1 $ (possibly zero) operations of the following form:
In one operation Koa selects positions $ i $ and $ i+1 $ for some $ i $ with $ 1 \le i < |s| $ and sets $ s_i $ to $ max(s_i, s_{i+1}) $ . Then Koa deletes position $ i+1 $ from $ s $ (after the removal, the remaining parts are concatenated).
Note that after every operation the length of $ s $ decreases by $ 1 $ .
How many different binary strings can Koa obtain by doing no more than $ n-1 $ (possibly zero) operations modulo $ 10^9+7 $ ( $ 1000000007 $ )?
Input Format
Output Format
In the first sample Koa can obtain binary strings: $ 0 $ , $ 00 $ and $ 000 $ .
In the second sample Koa can obtain binary strings: $ 1 $ , $ 01 $ , $ 11 $ , $ 011 $ , $ 101 $ and $ 0101 $ . For example:
- to obtain $ 01 $ from $ 0101 $ Koa can operate as follows: $ 0101 \rightarrow 0(10)1 \rightarrow 011 \rightarrow 0(11) \rightarrow 01 $ .
- to obtain $ 11 $ from $ 0101 $ Koa can operate as follows: $ 0101 \rightarrow (01)01 \rightarrow 101 \rightarrow 1(01) \rightarrow 11 $ .
Parentheses denote the two positions Koa selected in each operation.