CF1400G Mercenaries
Polycarp plays a (yet another!) strategic computer game. In this game, he leads an army of mercenaries.
Polycarp wants to gather his army for a quest. There are $ n $ mercenaries for hire, and the army should consist of some subset of them.
The $ i $ -th mercenary can be chosen if the resulting number of chosen mercenaries is not less than $ l_i $ (otherwise he deems the quest to be doomed) and not greater than $ r_i $ (he doesn't want to share the trophies with too many other mercenaries). Furthermore, $ m $ pairs of mercenaries hate each other and cannot be chosen for the same quest.
How many non-empty subsets does Polycarp need to consider? In other words, calculate the number of non-empty subsets of mercenaries such that the size of this subset belongs to $ [l_i, r_i] $ for each chosen mercenary, and there are no two mercenaries in the subset that hate each other.
The answer may be large, so calculate it modulo $ 998244353 $ .
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