Maximum Distributed Tree
# 题目描述
给定一棵 $n$ 个节点,$n-1$ 条边的树。你可以在每一条树上的边标上边权,使得:
1. 每个边权都为 **正整数**;
2. 这 $n-1$ 个边权的 **乘积** 等于 $k$;
3. 边权为 $1$ 的边的数量最少。
定义 $f(u,v)$ 表示节点 $u$ 到节点 $v$ 的简单路径经过的边权总和。你的任务是让 $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n-1}\sum\limits_{j=i+1}^{n} f(i,j)$ 最大。
最终答案可能很大,对 $10^9+7$ 取模即可。
$k$ 有可能很大,输入数据中包含了 $m$ 个质数 $p_i$,那么 $k$ 为这些质数的乘积。
# 输入格式
第一行,一个整数 $t$ $(1\leq t\leq 100)$,表示多组测试数据个数。对于每一个测试数据:
第一行,一个整数 $n$ $(2\leq n\leq 10^5)$,表示树上节点数;
第 $2$ 至 $n$ 行,每行两个整数 $u_i$ 和 $v_i$ $(1\leq u_i,v_i \leq n,u_i\neq v_i)$,描述了一条无向边;
第 $n+1$ 行,一个整数 $m$ $(1\leq m\leq 6\times 10^4)$,表示 $k$ 分解成质因子的个数;
第 $n+2$ 行,$m$ 个 **质数** $p_i$ $(2\leq p_i< 6\times 10^4)$,有 $k=\prod\limits_{i=1}^m p_i$。
数据保证所有的 $n$ 总和不超过 $10^5$,所有的 $m$ 总和不超过 $6\times 10^4$。数据给出的边保证能够形成一棵树。
# 输出格式
一行,一个整数,表示最大的答案对 $10^9+7$ 取模后的值。
You are given a tree that consists of $ n $ nodes. You should label each of its $ n-1 $ edges with an integer in such way that satisfies the following conditions:
- each integer must be greater than $ 0 $ ;
- the product of all $ n-1 $ numbers should be equal to $ k $ ;
- the number of $ 1 $ -s among all $ n-1 $ integers must be minimum possible.
Let's define $ f(u,v) $ as the sum of the numbers on the simple path from node $ u $ to node $ v $ . Also, let $ \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n-1} \sum\limits_{j=i+1}^n f(i,j) $ be a distribution index of the tree.
Find the maximum possible distribution index you can get. Since answer can be too large, print it modulo $ 10^9 + 7 $ .
In this problem, since the number $ k $ can be large, the result of the prime factorization of $ k $ is given instead.
The first line contains one integer $ t $ ( $ 1 \le t \le 100 $ ) — the number of test cases.
The first line of each test case contains a single integer $ n $ ( $ 2 \le n \le 10^5 $ ) — the number of nodes in the tree.
Each of the next $ n-1 $ lines describes an edge: the $ i $ -th line contains two integers $ u_i $ and $ v_i $ ( $ 1 \le u_i, v_i \le n $ ; $ u_i \ne v_i $ ) — indices of vertices connected by the $ i $ -th edge.
Next line contains a single integer $ m $ ( $ 1 \le m \le 6 \cdot 10^4 $ ) — the number of prime factors of $ k $ .
Next line contains $ m $ prime numbers $ p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_m $ ( $ 2 \le p_i < 6 \cdot 10^4 $ ) such that $ k = p_1 \cdot p_2 \cdot \ldots \cdot p_m $ .
It is guaranteed that the sum of $ n $ over all test cases doesn't exceed $ 10^5 $ , the sum of $ m $ over all test cases doesn't exceed $ 6 \cdot 10^4 $ , and the given edges for each test cases form a tree.
Print the maximum distribution index you can get. Since answer can be too large, print it modulo $ 10^9+7 $ .
输入样例 #1
1 2
2 3
3 4
2 2
3 4
1 3
3 2
3 2
6 1
2 3
4 6
7 3
5 1
3 6
7 5 13 3
输出样例 #1
In the first test case, one of the optimal ways is on the following image:
![]( In this case, $ f(1,2)=1 $ , $ f(1,3)=3 $ , $ f(1,4)=5 $ , $ f(2,3)=2 $ , $ f(2,4)=4 $ , $ f(3,4)=2 $ , so the sum of these $ 6 $ numbers is $ 17 $ .
In the second test case, one of the optimal ways is on the following image:
![]( In this case, $ f(1,2)=3 $ , $ f(1,3)=1 $ , $ f(1,4)=4 $ , $ f(2,3)=2 $ , $ f(2,4)=5 $ , $ f(3,4)=3 $ , so the sum of these $ 6 $ numbers is $ 18 $ .