CF1408D Searchlights


There are $ n $ robbers at coordinates $ (a_1, b_1) $ , $ (a_2, b_2) $ , ..., $ (a_n, b_n) $ and $ m $ searchlight at coordinates $ (c_1, d_1) $ , $ (c_2, d_2) $ , ..., $ (c_m, d_m) $ . In one move you can move each robber to the right (increase $ a_i $ of each robber by one) or move each robber up (increase $ b_i $ of each robber by one). Note that you should either increase all $ a_i $ or all $ b_i $ , you can't increase $ a_i $ for some points and $ b_i $ for some other points. Searchlight $ j $ can see a robber $ i $ if $ a_i \leq c_j $ and $ b_i \leq d_j $ . A configuration of robbers is safe if no searchlight can see a robber (i.e. if there is no pair $ i,j $ such that searchlight $ j $ can see a robber $ i $ ). What is the minimum number of moves you need to perform to reach a safe configuration?

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In the first test, you can move each robber to the right three times. After that there will be one robber in the coordinates $ (3, 0) $ . The configuration of the robbers is safe, because the only searchlight can't see the robber, because it is in the coordinates $ (2, 3) $ and $ 3 > 2 $ . In the second test, you can move each robber to the right two times and two times up. After that robbers will be in the coordinates $ (3, 8) $ , $ (8, 3) $ . It's easy the see that the configuration of the robbers is safe. It can be proved that you can't reach a safe configuration using no more than $ 3 $ moves.