CF1413F Roads and Ramen


In the Land of Fire there are $ n $ villages and $ n-1 $ bidirectional road, and there is a path between any pair of villages by roads. There are only two types of roads: stone ones and sand ones. Since the Land of Fire is constantly renovating, every morning workers choose a single road and flip its type (so it becomes a stone road if it was a sand road and vice versa). Also everyone here loves ramen, that's why every morning a ramen pavilion is set in the middle of every stone road, and at the end of each day all the pavilions are removed. For each of the following $ m $ days, after another road is flipped, Naruto and Jiraiya choose a simple path — that is, a route which starts in a village and ends in a (possibly, the same) village, and doesn't contain any road twice. Since Naruto and Jiraiya also love ramen very much, they buy a single cup of ramen on each stone road and one of them eats it. Since they don't want to offend each other, they only choose routes where they can eat equal number of ramen cups. Since they both like traveling, they choose any longest possible path. After every renovation find the maximal possible length of a path (that is, the number of roads in it) they can follow.

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After the renovation of the $ 3 $ -rd road the longest path consists of the roads $ 1 $ , $ 2 $ and $ 4 $ . After the renovation of the $ 4 $ -th road one of the longest paths consists of the roads $ 1 $ and $ 2 $ . After the renovation of the $ 1 $ -st road one of the longest paths consists of the roads $ 1 $ , $ 2 $ and $ 3 $ . After the renovation of the $ 3 $ -rd road the longest path consists of the roads $ 1 $ , $ 2 $ and $ 4 $ . After the renovation of the $ 4 $ -rd road one of the longest paths consists of the roads $ 2 $ and $ 4 $ .