CF1469E A Bit Similar


Let's call two strings $ a $ and $ b $ (both of length $ k $ ) a bit similar if they have the same character in some position, i. e. there exists at least one $ i \in [1, k] $ such that $ a_i = b_i $ . You are given a binary string $ s $ of length $ n $ (a string of $ n $ characters 0 and/or 1) and an integer $ k $ . Let's denote the string $ s[i..j] $ as the substring of $ s $ starting from the $ i $ -th character and ending with the $ j $ -th character (that is, $ s[i..j] = s_i s_{i + 1} s_{i + 2} \dots s_{j - 1} s_j $ ). Let's call a binary string $ t $ of length $ k $ beautiful if it is a bit similar to all substrings of $ s $ having length exactly $ k $ ; that is, it is a bit similar to $ s[1..k], s[2..k+1], \dots, s[n-k+1..n] $ . Your goal is to find the lexicographically smallest string $ t $ that is beautiful, or report that no such string exists. String $ x $ is lexicographically less than string $ y $ if either $ x $ is a prefix of $ y $ (and $ x \ne y $ ), or there exists such $ i $ ( $ 1 \le i \le \min(|x|, |y|) $ ), that $ x_i < y_i $ , and for any $ j $ ( $ 1 \le j < i $ ) $ x_j = y_j $ .

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