CF14E Camels


Bob likes to draw camels: with a single hump, two humps, three humps, etc. He draws a camel by connecting points on a coordinate plane. Now he's drawing camels with $ t $ humps, representing them as polylines in the plane. Each polyline consists of $ n $ vertices with coordinates $ (x_{1},y_{1}) $ , $ (x_{2},y_{2}) $ , ..., $ (x_{n},y_{n}) $ . The first vertex has a coordinate $ x_{1}=1 $ , the second — $ x_{2}=2 $ , etc. Coordinates $ y_{i} $ might be any, but should satisfy the following conditions: - there should be $ t $ humps precisely, i.e. such indexes $ j $ ( $ 2

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In the first sample test sequences of $ y $ -coordinates for six camels are: 123421, 123431, 123432, 124321, 134321 и 234321 (each digit corresponds to one value of $ y_{i} $ ).