CF1503A Balance the Bits
A sequence of brackets is called balanced if one can turn it into a valid math expression by adding characters '+' and '1'. For example, sequences '(())()', '()', and '(()(()))' are balanced, while ')(', '(()', and '(()))(' are not.
You are given a binary string $ s $ of length $ n $ . Construct two balanced bracket sequences $ a $ and $ b $ of length $ n $ such that for all $ 1\le i\le n $ :
- if $ s_i=1 $ , then $ a_i=b_i $
- if $ s_i=0 $ , then $ a_i\ne b_i $
If it is impossible, you should report about it.
Input Format
Output Format
In the first test case, $ a= $ "()()()" and $ b= $ "((()))". The characters are equal in positions $ 1 $ , $ 3 $ , $ 4 $ , and $ 6 $ , which are the exact same positions where $ s_i=1 $ .
In the second test case, $ a= $ "()()((()))" and $ b= $ "(())()()()". The characters are equal in positions $ 1 $ , $ 4 $ , $ 5 $ , $ 7 $ , $ 8 $ , $ 10 $ , which are the exact same positions where $ s_i=1 $ .
In the third test case, there is no solution.