CF1534D Lost Tree


This is an interactive problem. Little Dormi was faced with an awkward problem at the carnival: he has to guess the edges of an unweighted tree of $ n $ nodes! The nodes of the tree are numbered from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . The game master only allows him to ask one type of question: - Little Dormi picks a node $ r $ ( $ 1 \le r \le n $ ), and the game master will reply with an array $ d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_n $ , where $ d_i $ is the length of the shortest path from node $ r $ to $ i $ , for all $ 1 \le i \le n $ . Additionally, to make the game unfair challenge Little Dormi the game master will allow at most $ \lceil\frac{n}{2}\rceil $ questions, where $ \lceil x \rceil $ denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to $ x $ . Faced with the stomach-churning possibility of not being able to guess the tree, Little Dormi needs your help to devise a winning strategy! Note that the game master creates the tree before the game starts, and does not change it during the game.

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Here is the tree from the first example. ![]( that the edges can be output in any order. Additionally, here are the answers for querying every single node in example $ 1 $ : - $ 1 $ : $ [0,1,2,2] $ - $ 2 $ : $ [1,0,1,1] $ - $ 3 $ : $ [2,1,0,2] $ - $ 4 $ : $ [2,1,2,0] $ Below is the tree from the second example interaction. ![](, here are the answers for querying every single node in example $ 2 $ : - $ 1 $ : $ [0,4,1,3,2] $ - $ 2 $ : $ [4,0,3,1,2] $ - $ 3 $ : $ [1,3,0,2,1] $ - $ 4 $ : $ [3,1,2,0,1] $ - $ 5 $ : $ [2,2,1,1,0] $