CF1559D2 Mocha and Diana (Hard Version)


This is the hard version of the problem. The only difference between the two versions is the constraint on $ n $ . You can make hacks only if all versions of the problem are solved. A forest is an undirected graph without cycles (not necessarily connected). Mocha and Diana are friends in Zhijiang, both of them have a forest with nodes numbered from $ 1 $ to $ n $ , and they would like to add edges to their forests such that: - After adding edges, both of their graphs are still forests. - They add the same edges. That is, if an edge $ (u, v) $ is added to Mocha's forest, then an edge $ (u, v) $ is added to Diana's forest, and vice versa. Mocha and Diana want to know the maximum number of edges they can add, and which edges to add.

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In the first example, we cannot add any edge. In the second example, the initial forests are as follows. ![]( We can add an edge $ (2, 4) $ . ![](