CF1582F1 Korney Korneevich and XOR (easy version)
This is an easier version of the problem with smaller constraints.
Korney Korneevich dag up an array $ a $ of length $ n $ . Korney Korneevich has recently read about the operation [bitwise XOR](, so he wished to experiment with it. For this purpose, he decided to find all integers $ x \ge 0 $ such that there exists an increasing subsequence of the array $ a $ , in which the bitwise XOR of numbers is equal to $ x $ .
It didn't take a long time for Korney Korneevich to find all such $ x $ , and he wants to check his result. That's why he asked you to solve this problem!
A sequence $ s $ is a subsequence of a sequence $ b $ if $ s $ can be obtained from $ b $ by deletion of several (possibly, zero or all) elements.
A sequence $ s_1, s_2, \ldots , s_m $ is called increasing if $ s_1 < s_2 < \ldots < s_m $ .
Input Format
Output Format
In the first test case:
- To get value $ x = 0 $ it is possible to choose and empty subsequence
- To get value $ x = 2 $ it is possible to choose a subsequence $ [2] $
- To get value $ x = 4 $ it is possible to choose a subsequence $ [4] $
- To get value $ x = 6 $ it is possible to choose a subsequence $ [2, 4] $