CF1624G MinOr Tree


Recently, Vlad has been carried away by spanning trees, so his friends, without hesitation, gave him a connected weighted undirected graph of $ n $ vertices and $ m $ edges for his birthday. Vlad defined the ority of a spanning tree as the [bitwise OR]( of all its weights, and now he is interested in what is the minimum possible ority that can be achieved by choosing a certain spanning tree. A spanning tree is a connected subgraph of a given graph that does not contain cycles. In other words, you want to keep $ n-1 $ edges so that the graph remains connected and the bitwise OR weights of the edges are as small as possible. You have to find the minimum bitwise OR itself.

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![]( from the first test case. ![]( of this tree equals to 2 or 2 = 2 and it's minimal. ![]( excluding edge with weight $ 1 $ ority is 1 or 2 = 3.