CF1626E Black and White Tree


You are given a tree consisting of $ n $ vertices. Some of the vertices (at least two) are black, all the other vertices are white. You place a chip on one of the vertices of the tree, and then perform the following operations: - let the current vertex where the chip is located is $ x $ . You choose a black vertex $ y $ , and then move the chip along the first edge on the simple path from $ x $ to $ y $ . You are not allowed to choose the same black vertex $ y $ in two operations in a row (i. e., for every two consecutive operations, the chosen black vertex should be different). You end your operations when the chip moves to the black vertex (if it is initially placed in a black vertex, you don't perform the operations at all), or when the number of performed operations exceeds $ 100^{500} $ . For every vertex $ i $ , you have to determine if there exists a (possibly empty) sequence of operations that moves the chip to some black vertex, if the chip is initially placed on the vertex $ i $ .

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