CF1721E Prefix Function Queries
You are given a string $ s $ , consisting of lowercase Latin letters.
You are asked $ q $ queries about it: given another string $ t $ , consisting of lowercase Latin letters, perform the following steps:
1. concatenate $ s $ and $ t $ ;
2. calculate the prefix function of the resulting string $ s+t $ ;
3. print the values of the prefix function on positions $ |s|+1, |s|+2, \dots, |s|+|t| $ ( $ |s| $ and $ |t| $ denote the lengths of strings $ s $ and $ t $ , respectively);
4. revert the string back to $ s $ .
The prefix function of a string $ a $ is a sequence $ p_1, p_2, \dots, p_{|a|} $ , where $ p_i $ is the maximum value of $ k $ such that $ k < i $ and $ a[1..k]=a[i-k+1..i] $ ( $ a[l..r] $ denotes a contiguous substring of a string $ a $ from a position $ l $ to a position $ r $ , inclusive). In other words, it's the longest proper prefix of the string $ a[1..i] $ that is equal to its suffix of the same length.
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