CF1797F Li Hua and Path


Li Hua has a tree of $ n $ vertices and $ n-1 $ edges. The vertices are numbered from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . A pair of vertices $ (u,v) $ ( $ u < v $ ) is considered cute if exactly one of the following two statements is true: - $ u $ is the vertex with the minimum index among all vertices on the path $ (u,v) $ . - $ v $ is the vertex with the maximum index among all vertices on the path $ (u,v) $ . There will be $ m $ operations. In each operation, he decides an integer $ k_j $ , then inserts a vertex numbered $ n+j $ to the tree, connecting with the vertex numbered $ k_j $ . He wants to calculate the number of cute pairs before operations and after each operation. Suppose you were Li Hua, please solve this problem.

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The initial tree is shown in the following picture: ![]( are $ 11 $ cute pairs — $ (1,5),(2,3),(2,4),(2,6),(2,7),(3,4),(3,6),(3,7),(4,5),(5,7),(6,7) $ . Similarly, we can count the cute pairs after each operation and the result is $ 15 $ and $ 19 $ .