CF1807C Find and Replace


You are given a string $ s $ consisting of lowercase Latin characters. In an operation, you can take a character and replace all occurrences of this character with $ \texttt{0} $ or replace all occurrences of this character with $ \texttt{1} $ . Is it possible to perform some number of moves so that the resulting string is an alternating binary string $ ^{\dagger} $ ? For example, consider the string $ \texttt{abacaba} $ . You can perform the following moves: - Replace $ \texttt{a} $ with $ \texttt{0} $ . Now the string is $ \color{red}{\texttt{0}}\texttt{b}\color{red}{\texttt{0}}\texttt{c}\color{red}{\texttt{0}}\texttt{b}\color{red}{\texttt{0}} $ . - Replace $ \texttt{b} $ with $ \texttt{1} $ . Now the string is $ {\texttt{0}}\color{red}{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{0}}\texttt{c}{\texttt{0}}\color{red}{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{0}} $ . - Replace $ \texttt{c} $ with $ \texttt{1} $ . Now the string is $ {\texttt{0}}{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{0}}\color{red}{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{0}}{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{0}} $ . This is an alternating binary string. $ ^{\dagger} $ An alternating binary string is a string of $ \texttt{0} $ s and $ \texttt{1} $ s such that no two adjacent bits are equal. For example, $ \texttt{01010101} $ , $ \texttt{101} $ , $ \texttt{1} $ are alternating binary strings, but $ \texttt{0110} $ , $ \texttt{0a0a0} $ , $ \texttt{10100} $ are not.

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The first test case is explained in the statement. In the second test case, the only possible binary strings you can make are $ \texttt{00} $ and $ \texttt{11} $ , neither of which are alternating. In the third test case, you can make $ \texttt{1} $ , which is an alternating binary string.