CF1826D Running Miles
There is a street with $ n $ sights, with sight number $ i $ being $ i $ miles from the beginning of the street. Sight number $ i $ has beauty $ b_i $ . You want to start your morning jog $ l $ miles and end it $ r $ miles from the beginning of the street. By the time you run, you will see sights you run by (including sights at $ l $ and $ r $ miles from the start). You are interested in the $ 3 $ most beautiful sights along your jog, but every mile you run, you get more and more tired.
So choose $ l $ and $ r $ , such that there are at least $ 3 $ sights you run by, and the sum of beauties of the $ 3 $ most beautiful sights minus the distance in miles you have to run is maximized. More formally, choose $ l $ and $ r $ , such that $ b_{i_1} + b_{i_2} + b_{i_3} - (r - l) $ is maximum possible, where $ i_1, i_2, i_3 $ are the indices of the three maximum elements in range $ [l, r] $ .
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In the first example, we can choose $ l $ and $ r $ to be $ 1 $ and $ 5 $ . So we visit all the sights and the three sights with the maximum beauty are the sights with indices $ 1 $ , $ 3 $ , and $ 5 $ with beauties $ 5 $ , $ 4 $ , and $ 3 $ , respectively. So the total value is $ 5 + 4 + 3 - (5 - 1) = 8 $ .
In the second example, the range $ [l, r] $ can be $ [1, 3] $ or $ [2, 4] $ , the total value is $ 1 + 1 + 1 - (3 - 1) = 1 $ .