CF1827C Palindrome Partition
A substring is a continuous and non-empty segment of letters from a given string, without any reorders.
An even palindrome is a string that reads the same backward as forward and has an even length. For example, strings "zz", "abba", "abccba" are even palindromes, but strings "codeforces", "reality", "aba", "c" are not.
A beautiful string is an even palindrome or a string that can be partitioned into some smaller even palindromes.
You are given a string $ s $ , consisting of $ n $ lowercase Latin letters. Count the number of beautiful substrings of $ s $ .
Input Format
Output Format
In the first test case, the beautiful substrings are "abaaba", "baab", "aa".
In the last test case, the beautiful substrings are "aa" (counted twice), "abba", "bb", "bbaa", "abbaaa".