CF1841C Ranom Numbers


No, not "random" numbers. Ranom digits are denoted by uppercase Latin letters from A to E. Moreover, the value of the letter A is $ 1 $ , B is $ 10 $ , C is $ 100 $ , D is $ 1000 $ , E is $ 10000 $ . A Ranom number is a sequence of Ranom digits. The value of the Ranom number is calculated as follows: the values of all digits are summed up, but some digits are taken with negative signs: a digit is taken with negative sign if there is a digit with a strictly greater value to the right of it (not necessarily immediately after it); otherwise, that digit is taken with a positive sign. For example, the value of the Ranom number DAAABDCA is $ 1000 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 10 + 1000 + 100 + 1 = 2088 $ . You are given a Ranom number. You can change no more than one digit in it. Calculate the maximum possible value of the resulting number.

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In the first example, you can get EAAABDCA with the value $ 10000-1-1-1-10+1000+100+1=11088 $ . In the second example, you can get EB with the value $ 10000+10=10010 $ .