CF2072C Creating Keys for StORages Has Become My Main Skill


Akito still has nowhere to live, and the price for a small room is everywhere. For this reason, Akito decided to get a job at a bank as a key creator for storages. In this magical world, everything is different. For example, the key for a storage with the code $ (n, x) $ is an array $ a $ of length $ n $ such that: - $ a_1 \ | \ a_2 \ | \ a_3 \ | \ \ldots \ | \ a_n = x $ , where $ a \ | \ b $ is the [bitwise "OR"]( of numbers $ a $ and $ b $ . - $ \text{MEX}(\{ a_1, a_2, a_3, \ldots, a_n \}) $ $ ^{\text{∗}} $ is maximized among all such arrays. Akito diligently performed his job for several hours, but suddenly he got a headache. Substitute for him for an hour; for the given $ n $ and $ x $ , create any key for the storage with the code $ (n, x) $ . $ ^{\text{∗}} $ $ \text{MEX}(S) $ is the minimum non-negative integer $ z $ such that $ z $ is not contained in the set $ S $ and all $ 0 \le y < z $ are contained in $ S $ .

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