CF280C Game on Tree
Momiji has got a rooted tree, consisting of $ n $ nodes. The tree nodes are numbered by integers from $ 1 $ to $ n $ . The root has number $ 1 $ . Momiji decided to play a game on this tree.
The game consists of several steps. On each step, Momiji chooses one of the remaining tree nodes (let's denote it by $ v $ ) and removes all the subtree nodes with the root in node $ v $ from the tree. Node $ v $ gets deleted as well. The game finishes when the tree has no nodes left. In other words, the game finishes after the step that chooses the node number $ 1 $ .
Each time Momiji chooses a new node uniformly among all the remaining nodes. Your task is to find the expectation of the number of steps in the described game.
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Output Format
In the first sample, there are two cases. One is directly remove the root and another is remove the root after one step. Thus the expected steps are:
$ 1×(1/2)+2×(1/2)=1.5 $ In the second sample, things get more complex. There are two cases that reduce to the first sample, and one case cleaned at once. Thus the expected steps are:
$ 1×(1/3)+(1+1.5)×(2/3)=(1/3)+(5/3)=2 $