CF292C Beautiful IP Addresses


The problem uses a simplified TCP/IP address model, please read the statement carefully. An IP address is a 32-bit integer, represented as a group of four decimal 8-bit integers (without leading zeroes), separated by commas. For example, record shows a correct IP address and records and do not. In the given problem an arbitrary group of four 8-bit integers is a correct IP address. Our hero Polycarpus still works as a system administrator in some large corporation. He likes beautiful IP addresses. To check if some IP address is beautiful, he should do the following: 1. write out in a line four 8-bit numbers of the IP address, without the commas; 2. check if the resulting string is a palindrome. Let us remind you that a palindrome is a string that reads the same from right to left and from left to right. For example, IP addresses and are beautiful (as strings "1210220121" and "0314130" are palindromes), and IP addresses and are not. Polycarpus wants to find all beautiful IP addresses that have the given set of digits. Each digit from the set must occur in the IP address at least once. IP address must not contain any other digits. Help him to cope with this difficult task.

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