CF325C Monsters and Diamonds
Piegirl has found a monster and a book about monsters and pies. When she is reading the book, she found out that there are $ n $ types of monsters, each with an ID between $ 1 $ and $ n $ . If you feed a pie to a monster, the monster will split into some number of monsters (possibly zero), and at least one colorful diamond. Monsters may be able to split in multiple ways.
At the begining Piegirl has exactly one monster. She begins by feeding the monster a pie. She continues feeding pies to monsters until no more monsters are left. Then she collects all the diamonds that were created.
You will be given a list of split rules describing the way in which the various monsters can split. Every monster can split in at least one way, and if a monster can split in multiple ways then each time when it splits Piegirl can choose the way it splits.
For each monster, determine the smallest and the largest number of diamonds Piegirl can possibly collect, if initially she has a single instance of that monster. Piegirl has an unlimited supply of pies.
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