CF375D Tree and Queries
You have a rooted tree consisting of $ n $ vertices. Each vertex of the tree has some color. We will assume that the tree vertices are numbered by integers from 1 to $ n $ . Then we represent the color of vertex $ v $ as $ c_{v} $ . The tree root is a vertex with number 1.
In this problem you need to answer to $ m $ queries. Each query is described by two integers $ v_{j},k_{j} $ . The answer to query $ v_{j},k_{j} $ is the number of such colors of vertices $ x $ , that the subtree of vertex $ v_{j} $ contains at least $ k_{j} $ vertices of color $ x $ .
You can find the definition of a rooted tree by the following link:\_(graph\_theory).
Input Format
Output Format
A subtree of vertex $ v $ in a rooted tree with root $ r $ is a set of vertices $ {u :dist(r,v)+dist(v,u)=dist(r,u)} $ . Where $ dist(x,y) $ is the length (in edges) of the shortest path between vertices $ x $ and $ y $ .