CF464E The Classic Problem


You are given a weighted undirected graph on $ n $ vertices and $ m $ edges. Find the shortest path from vertex $ s $ to vertex $ t $ or else state that such path doesn't exist.

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A path from vertex $ s $ to vertex $ t $ is a sequence $ v_{0} $ , ..., $ v_{k} $ , such that $ v_{0}=s $ , $ v_{k}=t $ , and for any $ i $ from 0 to $ k-1 $ vertices $ v_{i} $ and $ v_{i+1} $ are connected by an edge. The length of the path is the sum of weights of edges between $ v_{i} $ and $ v_{i+1} $ for all $ i $ from 0 to $ k-1 $ . The shortest path from $ s $ to $ t $ is the path which length is minimum among all possible paths from $ s $ to $ t $ .