CF500E New Year Domino
Celebrating the new year, many people post videos of falling dominoes; Here's a list of them:\_query=New+Years+Dominos
User ainta, who lives in a 2D world, is going to post a video as well.
There are $ n $ dominoes on a 2D Cartesian plane. $ i $ -th domino ( $ 1
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Consider the example. The dominoes are set like the picture below.
Let's take a look at the 4th plan. To make the 6th domino fall by pushing the 2nd domino, the length of the 3rd domino (whose x-coordinate is 4) should be increased by 1, and the 5th domino (whose x-coordinate is 9) should be increased by 1 (other option is to increase 4th domino instead of 5th also by 1). Then, the dominoes will fall like in the picture below. Each cross denotes a touch between two dominoes.