CF585F Digits of Number Pi


Vasily has recently learned about the amazing properties of number $ π $ . In one of the articles it has been hypothesized that, whatever the sequence of numbers we have, in some position, this sequence is found among the digits of number $ π $ . Thus, if you take, for example, the epic novel "War and Peace" of famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy, and encode it with numbers, then we will find the novel among the characters of number $ π $ . Vasily was absolutely delighted with this, because it means that all the books, songs and programs have already been written and encoded in the digits of $ π $ . Vasily is, of course, a bit wary that this is only a hypothesis and it hasn't been proved, so he decided to check it out. To do this, Vasily downloaded from the Internet the archive with the sequence of digits of number $ π $ , starting with a certain position, and began to check the different strings of digits on the presence in the downloaded archive. Vasily quickly found short strings of digits, but each time he took a longer string, it turned out that it is not in the archive. Vasily came up with a definition that a string of length $ d $ is a half-occurrence if it contains a substring of length of at least ![](, which occurs in the archive. To complete the investigation, Vasily took $ 2 $ large numbers $ x,y $ ( $ x

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