CF733F Drivers Dissatisfaction
In one kingdom there are $ n $ cities and $ m $ two-way roads. Each road connects a pair of cities, and for each road we know the level of drivers dissatisfaction — the value $ w_{i} $ .
For each road we know the value $ c_{i} $ — how many lamziks we should spend to reduce the level of dissatisfaction with this road by one. Thus, to reduce the dissatisfaction with the $ i $ -th road by $ k $ , we should spend $ k·c_{i} $ lamziks. And it is allowed for the dissatisfaction to become zero or even negative.
In accordance with the king's order, we need to choose $ n-1 $ roads and make them the main roads. An important condition must hold: it should be possible to travel from any city to any other by the main roads.
The road ministry has a budget of $ S $ lamziks for the reform. The ministry is going to spend this budget for repair of some roads (to reduce the dissatisfaction with them), and then to choose the $ n-1 $ main roads.
Help to spend the budget in such a way and then to choose the main roads so that the total dissatisfaction with the main roads will be as small as possible. The dissatisfaction with some roads can become negative. It is not necessary to spend whole budget $ S $ .
It is guaranteed that it is possible to travel from any city to any other using existing roads. Each road in the kingdom is a two-way road.
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