CF750F New Year and Finding Roots
This is an interactive problem. In the interaction section below you will find the information about flushing the output.
The New Year tree of height $ h $ is a perfect binary tree with vertices numbered $ 1 $ through $ 2^{h}-1 $ in some order. In this problem we assume that $ h $ is at least $ 2 $ . The drawing below shows one example New Year tree of height $ 3 $ :
Polar bears love decorating the New Year tree and Limak is no exception. To decorate the tree, he must first find its root, i.e. a vertex with exactly two neighbours (assuming that $ h>=2 $ ). It won't be easy because Limak is a little bear and he doesn't even see the whole tree. Can you help him?
There are $ t $ testcases. In each testcase, you should first read $ h $ from the input. Then you can ask at most $ 16 $ questions of format "? x" (without quotes), where $ x $ is an integer between $ 1 $ and $ 2^{h}-1 $ , inclusive. As a reply you will get the list of neighbours of vertex $ x $ (more details in the "Interaction" section below). For example, for a tree on the drawing above after asking "? 1" you would get a response with $ 3 $ neighbours: $ 4 $ , $ 5 $ and $ 7 $ . Your goal is to find the index of the root $ y $ and print it in the format "! y". You will be able to read $ h $ for a next testcase only after printing the answer in a previous testcase and flushing the output.
Each tree is fixed from the beginning and it doesn't change during your questions.
Input Format
Output Format
In the first sample, a tree corresponds to the drawing from the statement.
In the second sample, there are two two testcases. A tree in the first testcase has height $ 2 $ and thus $ 3 $ vertices. A tree in the second testcase has height $ 4 $ and thus $ 15 $ vertices. You can see both trees on the drawing below.