CF843B Interactive LowerBound
This is an interactive problem.
You are given a sorted in increasing order singly linked list. You should find the minimum integer in the list which is greater than or equal to $ x $ .
More formally, there is a singly liked list built on an array of $ n $ elements. Element with index $ i $ contains two integers: $ value_{i} $ is the integer value in this element, and $ next_{i} $ that is the index of the next element of the singly linked list (or -1, if the current element is the last). The list is sorted, i.e. if $ next_{i}≠-1 $ , then $ value_{nexti}>value_{i} $ .
You are given the number of elements in the list $ n $ , the index of the first element $ start $ , and the integer $ x $ .
You can make up to $ 2000 $ queries of the following two types:
- ? i ( $ 1
Input Format
Output Format
You can read more about singly linked list by the following link: [\_list#Singly\_linked\_list](
The illustration for the first sample case. Start and finish elements are marked dark.