Race Against Time


### **题目背景:** 有个叫做米莎小伙子要去参加比赛,可是他陷入了~~命运石之门的选择~~时间悖(bei)论之中。现在他处于 _**时钟表面**_ 某一位置t1,要前往t2表示的时间点。表盘上有三根指针时针分针秒针,分别指向h,m,s。因为米莎腿短,米莎 _**不能**_ 越过时针,分针或是秒针,询问米莎能否从t1出发到达t2。 ### **输入输出格式:** 输入:五个int型常量,分别代表时针指向h,分针指向m,秒针指向s,以及出发位置t1,目的地t2。 (1<=h<=12,0<=m,s<=59,1<=t1,t2<=12,t1≠t2 ) 输出:能输出YES 不能NO (不区分大小写)


Have you ever tried to explain to the coordinator, why it is eight hours to the contest and not a single problem has been prepared yet? Misha had. And this time he has a really strong excuse: he faced a space-time paradox! Space and time replaced each other. The entire universe turned into an enormous clock face with three hands — hour, minute, and second. Time froze, and clocks now show the time $ h $ hours, $ m $ minutes, $ s $ seconds. Last time Misha talked with the coordinator at $ t_{1} $ o'clock, so now he stands on the number $ t_{1} $ on the clock face. The contest should be ready by $ t_{2} $ o'clock. In the terms of paradox it means that Misha has to go to number $ t_{2} $ somehow. Note that he doesn't have to move forward only: in these circumstances time has no direction. Clock hands are very long, and Misha cannot get round them. He also cannot step over as it leads to the collapse of space-time. That is, if hour clock points 12 and Misha stands at 11 then he cannot move to 1 along the top arc. He has to follow all the way round the clock center (of course, if there are no other hands on his way). Given the hands' positions, $ t_{1} $ , and $ t_{2} $ , find if Misha can prepare the contest on time (or should we say on space?). That is, find if he can move from $ t_{1} $ to $ t_{2} $ by the clock face.



Five integers $ h $ , $ m $ , $ s $ , $ t_{1} $ , $ t_{2} $ ( $ 1<=h<=12 $ , $ 0<=m,s<=59 $ , $ 1<=t_{1},t_{2}<=12 $ , $ t_{1}≠t_{2} $ ). Misha's position and the target time do not coincide with the position of any hand.


Print "YES" (quotes for clarity), if Misha can prepare the contest on time, and "NO" otherwise. You can print each character either upper- or lowercase ("YeS" and "yes" are valid when the answer is "YES").


输入样例 #1

12 30 45 3 11

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

12 0 1 12 1

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

3 47 0 4 9

输出样例 #3



The three examples are shown on the pictures below from left to right. The starting position of Misha is shown with green, the ending position is shown with pink. Note that the positions of the hands on the pictures are not exact, but are close to the exact and the answer is the same. ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF868B/a67db32a4530841b7d57b21ea225d21a83f385f3.png)