CF868F Yet Another Minimization Problem


You are given an array of $ n $ integers $ a_{1}...\ a_{n} $ . The cost of a subsegment is the number of unordered pairs of distinct indices within the subsegment that contain equal elements. Split the given array into $ k $ non-intersecting non-empty subsegments so that the sum of their costs is minimum possible. Each element should be present in exactly one subsegment.




In the first example it's optimal to split the sequence into the following three subsegments: $ [1] $ , $ [1,3] $ , $ [3,3,2,1] $ . The costs are $ 0 $ , $ 0 $ and $ 1 $ , thus the answer is $ 1 $ . In the second example it's optimal to split the sequence in two equal halves. The cost for each half is $ 4 $ . In the third example it's optimal to split the sequence in the following way: $ [1,2,2,2,1] $ , $ [2,1,1,1,2] $ , $ [2,1,1] $ . The costs are $ 4 $ , $ 4 $ , $ 1 $ .