Nephren Runs a Cinema


No.68电影院没有50元零钱了. 有n名顾客排队购买电影票,一张电影票50元。顾客有三种,携带一张50元钞票的,携带一张100元钞票的(我们需要找给他一张50元)以及vip客户(不用付钱). 求有多少种排队的方法,使得当队伍里的人全部得到电影票时电影院工作人员手上的50元钞票在l-r之间(携带100元的顾客要得到找钱).只要队伍里有一名顾客的种类不同,这两个队伍就是不同的.输出结果模p. 感谢@U49371 Fuko_Ibuki 提供的翻译


Lakhesh loves to make movies, so Nephren helps her run a cinema. We may call it No. 68 Cinema. ![]( However, one day, the No. 68 Cinema runs out of changes (they don't have 50-yuan notes currently), but Nephren still wants to start their business. (Assume that yuan is a kind of currency in Regulu Ere.) There are three types of customers: some of them bring exactly a 50-yuan note; some of them bring a 100-yuan note and Nephren needs to give a 50-yuan note back to him/her; some of them bring VIP cards so that they don't need to pay for the ticket. Now $ n $ customers are waiting outside in queue. Nephren wants to know how many possible queues are there that they are able to run smoothly (i.e. every customer can receive his/her change), and that the number of 50-yuan notes they have after selling tickets to all these customers is between $ l $ and $ r $ , inclusive. Two queues are considered different if there exists a customer whose type is different in two queues. As the number can be large, please output the answer modulo $ p $ .



One line containing four integers $ n $ ( $ 1<=n<=10^{5}) $ , $ p $ ( $ 1<=p<=2·10^{9}) $ , $ l $ and $ r $ ( $ 0<=l<=r<=n $ ).


One line indicating the answer modulo $ p $ .


输入样例 #1

4 97 2 3

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

4 100 0 4

输出样例 #2



We use A, B and C to indicate customers with 50-yuan notes, customers with 100-yuan notes and customers with VIP cards respectively. For the first sample, the different possible queues that there are $ 2 $ 50-yuan notes left are AAAB, AABA, ABAA, AACC, ACAC, ACCA, CAAC, CACA and CCAA, and the different possible queues that there are $ 3 $ 50-yuan notes left are AAAC, AACA, ACAA and CAAA. So there are $ 13 $ different queues satisfying the first sample. Similarly, there are $ 35 $ different queues satisfying the second sample.