CF954I Yet Another String Matching Problem
Suppose you have two strings $ s $ and $ t $ , and their length is equal. You may perform the following operation any number of times: choose two different characters $ c_{1} $ and $ c_{2} $ , and replace every occurence of $ c_{1} $ in both strings with $ c_{2} $ . Let's denote the distance between strings $ s $ and $ t $ as the minimum number of operations required to make these strings equal. For example, if $ s $ is abcd and $ t $ is ddcb, the distance between them is $ 2 $ — we may replace every occurence of a with b, so $ s $ becomes bbcd, and then we may replace every occurence of b with d, so both strings become ddcd.
You are given two strings $ S $ and $ T $ . For every substring of $ S $ consisting of $ |T| $ characters you have to determine the distance between this substring and $ T $ .
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