CF958B2 Maximum Control (medium)


The Resistance is trying to take control over as many planets of a particular solar system as possible. Princess Heidi is in charge of the fleet, and she must send ships to some planets in order to maximize the number of controlled planets. The Galaxy contains $ N $ planets, connected by bidirectional hyperspace tunnels in such a way that there is a unique path between every pair of the planets. A planet is controlled by the Resistance if there is a Resistance ship in its orbit, or if the planet lies on the shortest path between some two planets that have Resistance ships in their orbits. Heidi has not yet made up her mind as to how many ships to use. Therefore, she is asking you to compute, for every $ K=1,2,3,...,N $ , the maximum number of planets that can be controlled with a fleet consisting of $ K $ ships.

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Consider the first example. If $ K=1 $ , then Heidi can only send one ship to some planet and control it. However, for $ K>=2 $ , sending ships to planets 1 and 3 will allow the Resistance to control all planets.