P11019 「LAOI-6」:sun:


![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/image_hosting/05xcfhr8.png) > [SUN]]PleaseUseLastestMobileQQToDisplayTheMessage


You have received a new message on QQ! But you are not very happy, since you can't see the *super emoji* sent by others. The message can be viewed as a string, namely $S$, containing a *super emoji*. Specifically, $S$ is processed by the Camelcase method, therefore it is in the form of: ```plain [AaaBbbCcc......]]QingShiYongZuiXinBanShouJiQQTiYanXinGongNeng ``` That is, the replacement result of changing each syllable to its corresponding written form in the message $\texttt{[}w\texttt{]]请使用最新版手机QQ体验新功能}$, where $w$ denotes the *actual Chinese name* of the emoji, containing at least one syllable, **each of which is made up of one uppercase letter and at least one lowercase letter**. You want to send this *super emoji* on your computer too. Therefore, you are to type a slash ($\texttt /$) followed by the abbreviation of its *actual Chinese name*. **which is exactly the concatenation of the first letter in lowercase of each syllable in $\bm w$**. For example, $\texttt{/ty}$ is short for `TaiYang`, while $\texttt{/yl}$ is short for `YueLiang`. Please output the message representing the *super emoji* to send it on your computer.

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