P3048 [USACO12FEB] Cow IDs S


Being a secret computer geek, Farmer John labels all of his cows with binary numbers. However, he is a bit superstitious, and only labels cows with binary numbers that have exactly K "1" bits $(1 \le K \le 10)$. The leading bit of each label is always a "1" bit, of course. FJ assigns labels in increasing numeric order, starting from the smallest possible valid label -- a K-bit number consisting of all "1" bits. Unfortunately, he loses track of his labeling and needs your help: please determine the Nth label he should assign $(1 \le N \le 10^7)$. FJ 给他的奶牛用二进制进行编号,每个编号恰好包含 $K$ 个 $1$($1 \le K \le 10$),且必须是 $1$ 开头。FJ 按升序编号,第一个编号是由 $K$ 个 $1$ 组成。 请问第 $N$($1 \le N \le 10^7$)个编号是什么。

