P3089 [USACO13NOV] Pogo-Cow S


In an ill-conceived attempt to enhance the mobility of his prize cow Bessie, Farmer John has attached a pogo stick to each of Bessie's legs. Bessie can now hop around quickly throughout the farm, but she has not yet learned how to slow down. To help train Bessie to hop with greater control, Farmer John sets up a practice course for her along a straight one-dimensional path across his farm. At various distinct positions on the path, he places N targets on which Bessie should try to land (1




There are 6 targets. The first is at position x=5 and is worth 6 points, and so on. Bessie hops from position x=4 (8 points) to position x=5 (6 points) to position x=7 (6 points) to position x=10 (5 points).